Three Ways to Prolong Your Smile Makeover Results

Smile Makeover Tucson, AZ

Did you know that people with straight smiles are considered more successful? According to Kelton researchers, people perceive others with straight teeth as happier, healthier, and smarter. For those who aren’t born with naturally straight or white teeth, smile makeovers can help people achieve the smile they’ve always wanted. A smile makeover combines multiple cosmetic dental procedures designed to give people a brand-new, stunning appearance.

After a cosmetic dental team helps you achieve your ideal smile, you may want to know how to make the results last as long as possible. Continue reading for three ways that smile makeover recipients can sustain their dramatic transformation.

1. Schedule regular dental cleanings and exams.

A beautiful smile is a healthy smile. Preventative care not only keeps the mouth healthy but can also help patients erase plaque and tartar build-up, which can stain the teeth yellow and cause dental decay. By visiting the dentist every six months, your general dentist can help prevent cavity and gum disease development by visiting the dentist every six months and keeping teeth looking nice.

2. Maintain excellent oral hygiene at home.

Brushing and flossing twice per day helps ensure that the microbes that contribute to bad breath, cavities, and gum disease are eliminated before they accumulate to a significant oral health issue. As a ground rule, pick dental hygiene products that are effective yet gentle:

  • Non-abrasive, fluoridated toothpaste: Toothpaste that is too harsh can damage dental restorations, so choose gentle toothpaste instead. Also, if you insist on whitening toothpaste, it’s essential to understand that they only work on natural teeth (not ceramic dental restorations, such as veneers).
  • Soft-bristled toothbrushes: Extreme friction from aggressive brushing can destroy teeth, gums, and cosmetic restorations. Instead, gently brush teeth with a soft toothbrush for at least two minutes per session.
  • Non-alcoholic mouthwashes: While mouthwashes with alcohol kill oral bacteria, they can also loosen the bonding agent used in veneers and crowns. There are prescription and many over-the-counter types of mouthwash that are effectively antiplaque, antigingivitis, and free of alcohol (and other harsh ingredients).

3. Protect your teeth.

Preventing tooth injuries when possible can keep your mouth looking and feeling great. Even though veneers, dental bonding, and prosthetic dental appliances are strong, they are not invincible. Although accidents happen, here are a few precautions that people can take to prevent unsightly dental chips and fractures:

  • Nightguards: If you experience bruxism (chronic teeth grinding), you may benefit from wearing a nightguard during sleep.
  • Mouthguards: If you play sports or are physically active, wear a mouth guard to prevent injury.
  • Avoid hard foods and objects: Chewing on hard things (such as ice, hard candy, or pens) leaves teeth vulnerable to fracture.

Schedule a Smile Makeover Consultation Right Now

At Advanced Family Dentistry, Dr. Asadi helps patients achieve their dream smile by combining a multitude of cosmetic dentistry treatments, which may consist of:

  • Teeth whitening services: Whiten teeth up to eight shades safely in a single visit with in-office whitening.
  • Porcelain veneers: Obtain a Hollywood smile and hide staining, damage, and other aesthetic imperfections.
  • Dental bonding: Repair small chips and gaps affordably.
  • Invisalign®: Teens and adults can straighten mild to moderate misalignment with a series of transparent, orthodontic aligners.
  • Dental implants, bridges, and other prosthetic dentistry techniques: Replace missing teeth for a fuller smile.

To learn more about a customized smile makeover in Tucson, AZ, schedule a consultation by calling (520) 353-3002.

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