Invisalign: Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving

Invisalign Tucson, AZ

With Hannukah, Christmas, and other celebrations happening, many people associate the latter section of the year as a season of giving. If you are ready to think outside of the box this holiday season, consider giving the gift of Invisalign® for a straighter smile.

While it’s true that most people consider straight teeth as more aesthetically pleasing, but did you know that straight teeth are also easier to clean than crowded teeth? Thus, potentially lowering the risk of developing cavities and gum disease. If you are curious or overwhelmed about how to start clear aligner treatment, continue reading.

1. Schedule an in-person consultation.

Not all dentistry practices offer the same treatments, so the very first step is to find an Invisalign dentist in your area. At this initial consultation, the dentist will evaluate your health history, the current state of dental health and take records (such as x-rays, bite registration, dental impressions, and photos).

2. The dentist creates a comprehensive treatment plan.

During this time, the dentist designs a targeted personal smile improvement plan and determines how many trays are required for treatment. For more complicated cases, he or she may consider attachments to move teeth into place with gentle force.

3. Understand the basics of Invisalign treatment.

If you are considering beginning Invisalign, here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions:

How long does clear aligner treatment typically last?

It’s important to note that treatment time varies from person to person. More complex cases and lack of patient compliance require a longer treatment timeframe. With that in mind, most patients finish their Invisalign treatment in an average of 12 months, which can still be shorter than the period required for metal braces.

What are the compliance expectations for Invisalign?

While many people prefer Invisalign over metal braces for more freedom in their lifestyles, here are some non-negotiables during treatment to remain compliant with treatment:

  • On average, patients are expected to wear their trays between 20 to 22 hours per day.
  • Brush and floss after eating and drinking anything but water.

Also, patients must update their aligners as instructed. This will include more frequent, in-person dental appointments for new aligner trays and so that your dentist can monitor shifts in alignment to optimize treatment.

Is Invisalign affordable?

Invisalign’s manufacturer website boasts that their cost is comparable to traditional braces. While every case is one-of-a-kind, more complex cases tend to be more costly because more materials are needed to complete clear aligner treatment.

If you are unable to pay out-of-pocket, continue reading for three ways that people commonly afford Invisalign treatment:

  • In-house treatment plans
  • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
  • Healthcare Savings Accounts (HSA)

Furthermore, if your insurance provider covers some or all of the costs associated with orthodontic treatment for your dependents or yourself, this should also apply to clear aligner treatment. Speak with your provider for more information about insurance coverage.

Consider a Complimentary Invisalign Consultation in Tucson, AZ

If you or a loved one is ready to embark on a journey for a more appealing and healthier smile, consider meeting with a general dentist as the first step in orthodontic treatment. At Advanced Family Dentistry, Dr. Payam K. Asadi helps teens and adults straighten their smiles with complimentary Invisalign consultations, in-house savings plans, and more. Learn more about Invisalign in Tucson, AZ, by calling (520) 353-3002 this holiday season.

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